
The salary range for people working in Hungary in Commerce is typically from 1,139 USD (minimum salary) to 2,373 USD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

This is the total monthly salary including bonuses. Salaries can vary drastically among different job positions. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, please choose it from the list.

Gross monthly salary in category Commerce
10% earn less 1,139 USD
10% earns more 2,373 USD
Salaries may vary by position, the value given is indicative.

For companies – be confident when making decisions about salaries

Set the salaries of your employees fairly. A detailed salary report will help you to do this. You will always have relevant salary data to hand.

The table shows the average gross monthly salary in Hungary. Indicate the position at which you work and take part in the survey.

Account Manager

1,403 - 2,544 USD
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Betting Clerk

653 - 2,385 USD
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922 - 2,908 USD
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Business Analyst

1,286 - 2,965 USD
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Buying Agent

1,198 - 2,386 USD
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Car salesman

958 - 2,670 USD
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894 - 1,726 USD
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Complaints Department Clerk

956 - 1,892 USD
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Deputy shop manager

1,023 - 2,093 USD
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Distribution Clerk

1,081 - 2,069 USD
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E-Commerce Manager

1,224 - 3,001 USD
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E-Commerce Specialist

1,010 - 2,619 USD
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Expert Shop Assistant

926 - 1,652 USD
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Junior Sales Representative

1,226 - 2,165 USD
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Key Account Manager

1,430 - 3,607 USD
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Online shop administrator

914 - 1,777 USD
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Product Marketing Manager

1,328 - 2,720 USD
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Retail Store Manager

1,015 - 2,471 USD
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Sales Engineer

1,511 - 3,340 USD
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Sales Officer

1,045 - 1,980 USD
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Sales Representative

1,176 - 2,667 USD
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Senior Sales Representative

1,357 - 3,059 USD
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Shelf Stacker/Merchandiser

853 - 1,641 USD
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Shop Assistant

972 - 1,677 USD
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Shop Window Decorator

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Store Department Manager

1,020 - 2,067 USD
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884 - 1,883 USD
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Visual merchandiser

951 - 1,920 USD
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