
Service Industries


Average gross monthly salary in Hungary is
An employee's salary is influenced by several factors, primarily the region in which they work, length of experience, company size, and more.
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80% of people earn:
294K - 673K Ft
10% earn less lthan 294K Ft
10% earns more than 673K Ft

Salaries in the survey are expressed in gross.

Based on the Fizetesek.hu salary survey, 80% of people on the Gardener position in the Hungary earn between 294,170 Ft and 672,536 Ft monthly gross.

10% of employees earn less than 294,170 Ft and 10% of people earn more than 672,536 Ft.

The survey is based on data from employees, cleaned of extreme and duplicate values.

Description of job position

  • Caring for flower beds, lawns, trees and shrubs in gardens, orchards and public parks.
  • Hoeing and fertilising the soil, pulling weeds.
  • Planting and irrigating decorative plants, shrubs, trees and hedges.
  • Seeding, watering and mowing lawns.
  • Protecting vegetation from pests and diseases using chemical agents.
  • Harvesting and storing fruit and vegetables.
  • Repairing garden tools.

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The most common career path of an employee

The graphic shows how employees most often progress in their careers. Click on the name of the position to get to its detail with salary data.

Position Gardener - Service Industries in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

610. place

Women representation in position


Average age of respondent by position


653. place


General labour

Salary group 1

290,802 - 446,656 Ft

611. place


Medicine & Social Care

Salary group 2

316,246 - 639,213 Ft

610. place


Service Industries

Salary group 2

294,170 - 672,536 Ft

609. place

Animal Care Worker

Agriculture, Food Industry

Salary group 2

290,802 - 645,134 Ft

1. place

Chief Executive Officer

Top Management

Salary group 3

823,787 - 4,233,186 Ft

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99 EUR*
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